Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Introduction to Indura Systems

Home health care is one of the most regulated industries in the United States. Any organization that is associated with the health care industry is also open to aggressive litigation.

Any health care organization could spend considerable time understanding, and keeping track of, all the rules and regulations that apply, and are regularly being amended. With a fluctuating economy and shifts in age demographics, agencies are increasingly being expected to perform better with fewer resources.

Indura Systems understands the home health care industry from the agency perspective. Igea HHC, from Indura Systems, gives our customers the essential tools to achieve three things:

1. To focus on running their business effectively, and with lower overheads
2. To adhere to constantly changing regulatory controls including data security measures
3. To minimize time to reimbursement of payments from Medicare, Medicaid and/or Private Duty.

Igea HHC can deliver these benefits because the system has been built on a rugged, tested, and proven workflow model. The system is not only simple to use and easy to tailor to individual agency needs, but also helps maximize profit and shield agency staff from much of the complexity of home health care administrative tasks.

Contact us at Indura Systems to learn more about how we partner with home health care agencies to support and optimize their business success.

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