Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Home Health Care - the business to start!

It's official - Home Health Care is one of few businesses that can survive the current economic crisis. Here is what the blog has to say about Home Health Care:

While employment in the health service industry is projected to grow 28% by 2012, employment in the specialized home health care industry is expected to be
nearly twice that, or 54.5%. Each year, over 7.6 million people are provided with home health care services.

Thanks to science and medicine, people are living to a ripe old age more and more. This means, however, that more people are needed assistance at home. And that is where home health care comes into the picture.
Just think, 7.6 million people, 6 episodes per year, $3000 per episode - that is potentially a $136,800,000,000/year industry.
Want a bigger slice of that pie?
Find out why Igea HHC from Indura Systems is THE PREFERRED home health care agency management system for more customers throughout the United States.
Read the whole blog at
Brought to you by Indura Systems.

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